
Yahoo Acquires Self-Destructing Messaging App Blink, Which hope against hope Soon Disappear

Yahoo Acquires Self-Destructing Messaging App Blink, Which hope against hope Soon Disappear

Blink, a cell messaging effort with the intention of lets users share self-destructing messages, has been acquired by Yahoo, TechCrunch has inveterate. The app competed into an increasingly crowded seat alongside Snapchat, of curriculum, but furthermore newer entrants like Frankly, Confide, Wickr, and others. Stipulations of the deal were not disclosed.

All seven Blink team members, plus the founders, hope against hope at present take place combination Yahoo.

Blink is a effect of Meh Labs, a company founded by ex-Googler Kevin Stephens and Michelle Norgan. Originally, the startup had been alert on a location-based service called Kismet which grew in style around the moment of SXSW 2012, whilst apps like Highlight and Banjo were early to take inedible. However, Kismet in no way gained the crucial traction, so the team bowed in the direction of a further cell trend – with the intention of of secretive cell messaging.

Blink opening launched right terminated a time past on iOS, and these days users are able to text and share photos, videos, voice and supplementary, with those otherwise groups. These messages’ visibility may possibly take place controlled with a timer, so users can usual how lengthy they may possibly take place read otherwise viewed subsequently drumbeat.

Whilst the company announced its arrival on machine earlier this time, it reported having around 100,000 downloads to blind date. Right terminated semi of its user foot was located into the U.S., but Blink was establishment to expand a little ground into the medium East, which became its second-largest promote.

Stephens thought by the side of the moment with the intention of Blink would instigate to cater to with the intention of promote supplementary a great deal with localization into Arabic, and hinted by the side of strategy to introduce pro skin texture with the intention of would help churn out Blink something with the intention of may possibly take place used by contractors otherwise custom users, in lieu of instance.

Persons hard work are not near-term to pass, however, for example we understand with the intention of Blink hope against hope at present take place lock up down into the weeks beforehand. With the intention of implies with the intention of the deal in lieu of Blink was single with the intention of was supplementary on the subject of the talent behind the app, more readily than the app itself. Stephens, in lieu of example, is a pleasant hire in lieu of Yahoo, having previously served for example senior director of device effect partnerships by the side of Boxee, for example a PM by the side of Google and YouTube, and for example an engineer by the side of Apple.

Through its earlier labor with Kismet, Meh Labs had raised $1 million into seed funding from Triple situation, NEA, AngelPad, and various seraph investors, plus Shiva Rajaraman, Steph Hannon, Roham Gharegozlou, Ben Narasin, and others. We’re investigation with the intention of the investors are “pretty happy” with the exit, but it’s not a substantial win by some measures.

We furthermore hear with the intention of Yahoo M&A is hesitant to call no matter which an “acquisition” these days. Apparently, they got burned by the notion with the intention of they take part in to approve of companies to pick up talent, and investors are early to question if the strategy workings. With the intention of may possibly take place why Blink’s team declined to provide much allocate on the subject of the deal, away from its confirmation, whilst asked in lieu of certified comment.


Here’s the comprehensive text from the Blink website:

We’re excited to announce with the intention of for example of possibly will 13, 2014, Blink is combination Yahoo! We built Blink since we believe everybody must take place boundless to exhibit the same honesty and spontaneity into their online conversations for example they can into person. We look frontward to the possibilities with the intention of hope against hope happen from bringing the Blink sight to Yahoo.

We can’t instigate to express how refreshing we are in lieu of your support right through this journey. We wish you stick with us through the then stage.

